• 2015

    It’s Time to Learn about Chronological Resumes

    <div class="ExternalClass5E640874786F4EC0994D990B482DFBA5"><p>​<img src="/Articles/ArticleThumbnailImages/ChronologicalResumeThumbnail.png" alt="Chronological Resume Image" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></p><p>Do you need to create a resume, but you’re not sure what resume format to use? In the newest Illinois workNet article, you can learn who a chronological resume is best for, what to include, and even see example resumes. You can also take a look at the resume guide in the article documents to get even more information about chronological resumes. Let Illinois workNet help you create the best resume possible with
    <a title="Article" href="/pages/article.aspx?articleID=90">It’s All about Those Dates, ’Bout Those Dates, No Worries</a>!
    <a target="_blank" title="Chronological Resume Image" href="/DownloadPrint/chronological%20image.jpg">
    <img class="ms-rteImage-2" alt="Chronological Resume Image" src="/DownloadPrint/chronological%20image.jpg" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;300px;height&#58;379px;" /></a>