• 2015

    US DOL Announced the Release of WIOA Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRMs) on Federal Register Public Inspection

    <div class="ExternalClass75FBB1BDF7074B7989E30F431DE02CE6"><p>​President Barack Obama signed the
    <span>Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act</span></span></span> (WIOA) into law on July 22, 2014. WIOA is landmark legislation designed to strengthen and improve our nation’s public workforce system and help get Americans, including youth and those with significant barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers and helps employers obtain skilled workers. WIOA supports innovative strategies to keep pace with economic conditions and seeks to improve coordination between the core WIOA and other Federal programs that support employment services, job training, adult education and literacy, and vocational rehabilitation activities.
    <strong>Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act; Joint Rule for Unified and Combined State Plans, Performance Accountability, and the One-Stop System Joint Provisions; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking&#58; </strong>This NPRM, developed jointly by Departments of Education (ED) and Labor (DOL), implements the jointly-administered activities authorized by title I of WIOA.&#160; The NPRM proposes to strengthen the alignment of workforce development system’s six core programs administered by ED and DOL respectively, by establishing unified strategic planning requirements, common performance accountability indicators, and requirements governing the one-stop delivery system. In so doing, these propose regulations emphasize coordination and collaboration at the Federal, State and local levels to ensure a streamlined and coordinated service delivery for job-seekers, including those with disabilities, and employers.</p><p>
    <strong>Workforce Innovations and Opportunity Act; DOL-only Notice of Proposed Rulemaking&#58; </strong>This NPRM, developed by DOL, implements titles I and III of WIOA. This NPRM proposes to implement changes made by title I of WIOA to adult, dislocated worker, and youth formula programs; the State and local workforce development (formerly investment) boards, including Job Corps, YouthBuild, Indian and Native American programs, and Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker programs; technical assistance and evaluations; and general administrative provisions currently authorized under title I of the Workforce Investment Act. Furthermore, the NPRM proposes to implement changes by the title III of WIOA, which amends the Wagner-Peyser Act relating to Employment Services and Workforce and Labor Market Information System and requires the Secretary to establish a Workforce information Advisory Council.</p><p>Read the
    <a href="/News/Documents/TEN_29-14.pdf" title="Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 29-14 PDF" target="_blank">Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 29-14</a> dated April 2, 2015 for more information.</p><p><a href="https&#58;//www.federalregister.gov/public-inspection/current" target="_blank">Visit the Federal Register Public Inspection Website</a>. This Website offers a preview of documents scheduled to publish in the Federal Register.</p><p><a href="https&#58;//www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/advisories/training-and-employment-notice-no-29-14" target="_blank">See the DOL Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 29-14 Announcement Page</a>.<br></p></div><br>