• 2015

    Digital Manufacturing and Workforce: Looking at our Local Industry’s Future

    1000 Jobs CampaignJoin World Business Chicago and the DMDII to Learn How the Region is Addressing the Manufacturing Skills Gap and the Development of a Highly-Skilled Workforce!

    Manufacturers need to fill more than 30,000 open jobs across the Chicago region from Niles and Aurora to Lansing and Libertyville. World Business Chicago’s (WBC’s) 1000 Jobs for Chicagoland Manufacturing campaign is building on the region’s existing workforce system to match job seekers with those employer needs.

    On July 23rd from 3:00 – 6:30 p.m. at the Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII), 1000 Jobs and supporting partner DMDII will host Digital Manufacturing and Workforce: Looking at Our Local Industry's Future. The event will include an interactive panel discussion – moderated by David Boulay, President of the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center (IMEC) – on the intersection of advanced and digital manufacturing, workforce development, and a firsthand look at the technologies driving factories of the future. Other topics to include:

    • What is digital manufacturing?
    • What does it mean for my business?
    • What ideas are to come to prepare employees for factories of the future?

    Manufacturers will also have the opportunity to tour the DMDII facility and hear about ways that they can get involved with the Institute. Since 1000 Jobs launched last year, nearly 300 residents have received training or jobs in the industry. 

    WBC’s 1000 Jobs, led by a consortium of 40 manufacturing industry leaders in partnership with dozens of additional organizations, will place 1,000 qualified job seekers on career pathways in manufacturing, and link residents who need additional skills to training and apprenticeship programs resulting in full-time employment. This strategic collaboration strengthens the Chicagoland economy, addresses the national skills gap in advanced manufacturing, and gives residents access to good paying jobs in advanced manufacturing.

    To save your spot, visit the DMDII/1000 Jobs Panel Discussion website.