• 2015

    Innovative Programs - 2015 Illinois Workforce Development

    <div class="ExternalClass5A8A7701B27742709D75EBEAA6A3E105"><p>​Across Illinois, The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic
    Opportunity (DCEO) along with its local and state partners is taking the
    lead in convening our economic development, business, and educational
    systems to create initiatives that fill the skills gap for employers and
    lead to living wage employment.&#160; Highlights of these various
    initiatives are in the DCEO 2015 Illinois Workforce Development Annual
    Report.&#160; The report provides the activities of the <span>Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act</span> (WIOA) partners and illustrates the strong relationship between
    Illinois businesses and the workforce development system. <br></p><p>Read
    the report to learn more about innovative programs, how employer-driven
    strategies are impacting our workforce, and to see examples of
    successes that demonstrate a positive impact on individuals and
    businesses. <br></p><p>Read the <a href="/DownloadPrint/SFY%2015%20Annual%20Report%20Final%20Compressed.pdf" title="2015 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report PDF" target="_blank">2015 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report</a>.</p><p>Visit <a href="/wioa" title="WIOA Website" target="_blank">WIOA Works to learn more about Workforce Development in Illinois</a>.</p><p><a target="_blank" title="2015 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report" href="/DownloadPrint/SFY%2015%20Annual%20Report%20Final%20Compressed.pdf"><img src="/News/PublishingImages/2015IllinoisWorkforceDevelopmentAnnualReportImage.png" alt="" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></a><br></p></div>