• 2016

    WIOA Policy - Request for Public Comment

    <div class="ExternalClass43B0CD2DAAC148879F665803AD12D51A"><p>The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires the governor of each state develop criteria, information requirements, procedures and the list of eligible providers of training services. It also requires the governor provide an opportunity for interested members of the public to make recommendations and submit comments regarding such criteria, information requirements, procedures, and the list of eligible training providers.
    <br></p><p>The Department of Commerce, Office of Employment and Training is hereby requesting public comment on the draft
    <a target="_blank" title="WIOA Policy Letter for Eligible Training Providers and Training Programs (PDF)" href="/DownloadPrint/WIOA%20Policy%20-Training%20Provider%20and%20%20Program%20Eligibility%20w%20attachments%2003-17-16%20DRAFT.pdf">WIOA Policy Letter for Eligible Training Providers and Training Programs (PDF)</a>. The draft policy can also be downloaded from the
    <a title="WIOA Policies Page" href="/WIOA/Resources/Pages/WIA-WIOAPolicies.aspx">WIOA Policies</a> page on WIOA Works.<br></p><p>Public comments must be submitted by
    <strong>5&#58;00p.m. Central Time, March 22, 2016 </strong>to the following email address&#58;
    <a title="Email" target="_blank" href="mailto&#58;%20EligibleTrainingProviders@illinoisworknet.com">EligibleTrainingProviders@​illinoisworknet.​com.</a><br></p></div>