• 2016

    WIOA Unified State Plan - Released

    <div class="ExternalClassAABFC66DEC7B45D680B48861552F5711"><p>​Upon approval from the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board (IWIB) Executive Committee, the Unified State Plan for Illinois was released on March 30, 2016.&#160; The plan outlines a 4-year strategy for the WIOA core programs, which includes&#58;</p><ul><li>Title IB – WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth programs</li><li>Title II – Adult Education</li><li>Title III – Wagner-Peyser</li><li>Title IV – Vocational Rehabilitation Services</li></ul><p>The plan is divided into strategic and operational elements.&#160; The strategic portion of the plan includes the vision and goals for preparing an educated and skilled workforce in Illinois and the operational side of the plan addresses the implementation of this strategy.&#160; Additionally, the plan includes program specific content from each core partner (Illinois Department of Commerce, Illinois Department of Employment Security, Illinois Community College Board, and Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation).
    <br></p><p>The plan is a living element that will change and evolve.&#160; The plan was drafted on the known requirements of WIOA and the proposed federal regulations, so the plan will be updated as soon as the final regulations are issued.</p><p>Visit the
    <a href="/WIOA/Resources/Pages/StateUnifiedPlan.aspx" title="Unified State Plan Page">
    <strong>Unified State Plan page</strong></a> to download the entire plan, including
    <span>attachments and program specific appendices.</span></p><p>
    <a href="/WIOA/Resources/Pages/StateUnifiedPlan.aspx" title="Unified State Plan Page"><img src="/News/PublishingImages/UnifiedStatePlan_Page.png" alt="Unified State Plan Page" class="ms-rteImage-2" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></a><br></p></div>