• 2016

    WIOA Unified State Plan - Approved by U.S. Department of Labor and Education

    Illinois State SealOn June 17, 2016 the U.S. Department of Labor and Education formerly informed Governor Bruce Rauner that they have determined the Illinois four-year Workforce innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Unified State Plan submitted on March 30, 2016 is substantially approvable.  Therefore, the Departments have approved the Unified State Plan (PDF), which covers the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2020 subject to conditions.  This decision covers the joint planning elements, or “common elements,” as well as the program-specific requirements for  the six core programs: 

    • the Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs authorized under title I of WIOA and administered by the Department of Labor;
    • the Adult education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) program authorized under title II of WIOA and administered by the Department of Education;
    • the Employment Service program authorized under the Wagner-Peyser Act (Wagner-Peyser), as amended by title III of WIOA and administered by the Department of Labor; and
    • the Vocational Rehabilitation program, authorized under title I of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended by title IV of IWOA, and administered by the Department of Education. 

    The Departments have approved the State Plan subject to conditions because there are deficiencies that must be remedied.  Illinois must correct the deficiencies identified and the plan needs to be fully remedied by September 1, 2016.

    You can view the plan and all related materials on WIOA Works here.