• 2016

    Regional/Local Plan & MOU Approval Status Dashboard

    <div class="ExternalClass374774D532DB4A54A46BC6880AF884B9"><p>​The Illinois WIOA Regional/Local Plan &amp; MOU Status Dashboard has been activated. Viewers may see the current status of all WIOA regional and local plans and MOUs. Documents that are approved or need only technical changes are available to view and download. Updates will be posted as revised documents are reviewed.</p><p>In this transition planning year, “Approved” plans must be modified for the program year beginning July 1,2017; and “Approved” MOUs are effective through June 30, 2017. New MOUs that incorporate updated federal and state guidance must be submitted for the program year beginning July 1, 2017.&#160;<br></p><p>
    <a href="/WIOA/RegPlanning/Pages/Plans_MOUs_Dashboard.aspx" title="Dashboard">Click here to access the dashboard</a>, or directly from the drop-down menu at
    <a href="http&#58;//www.illinoisworknet.com/WIOA" title="WIOA Works">www.​illinoisworknet.​com/​WIOA</a>. The dashboard gives you the ability to&#58;
    <br></p><ul><li>Search by Keyword;</li><li>Filter by EDR, LWIA, Document Type, and Approval Status;</li><li>Preview documents that are Approved/Approved with Technical Changes; and</li><li>Download documents that are
    <span>Approved/Approved with Technical Changes<strong></strong></span></span></span>.<br></li></ul><p>
    <a href="/WIOA/RegPlanning/Pages/Plans_MOUs_Dashboard.aspx" title="Dashboard">
    <img src="/News/PublishingImages/Dashboard.png" class="ms-rteImage-2" alt="Dashboard Image" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></a>