• 2016

    Illinois WIOA State Plan - Approved

    <div class="ExternalClass375AD7CE789F40AB98EFAC80C7EF432F"><p>​The Governor’s WIOA Interagency Work Group and the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board are pleased to announce the Illinois WIOA Unified State Plan has been approved by the federal agencies that administer WIOA. The joint notification from the US Departments of Labor and Education acknowledges the significant progress of the organizations and staff involved.
    <em>“Illinois has made tremendous strides in implementing WIOA, as evidenced by the strong partnerships and foundation for success in reforming and realigning the workforce system as articulated in WIOA and your State Plan.” </em>Much work remains to be done to complete the transition to WIOA; and this approval gives Illinois the green light to proceed with carrying out the strategies, principles and goals set forth in our Unified State Plan.</p><p>Access the Illinois WIOA State Plan and approval letter.<br></p></div>