• 2017

    SNAP to Success - Webinar Follow-Up

    <div class="ExternalClass59F130C6B6E8459D9B841D8F51561159"><p>​<a href="http&#58;//www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=93875" title="SNAP to Success" target="_blank"><img src="/News/PublishingImages/SNAPtoSuccess.png" class="ms-rtePosition-2" alt="SNAP To Success" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></a>Illinois is proud to announce the upcoming implementation of the SNAP To Success program.&#160; SNAP To Success aims to build upon IDHS’s current Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Programs (SNAP) Employment &amp; Training (E&amp;T) program by leveraging a federal funding stream new to Illinois to partner with new providers and ultimately help thousands of additional SNAP participants find employment, advance in their career and achieve self-sufficiency.
    <br></p><p>The implementation of SNAP To Success is the beginning of a new direction in the provision of Employment &amp; Training services throughout the State.&#160; <a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=93875">Learn more about SNAP To Success</a>.