• 2014

    Get Career Planning Tips and Information with These Videos!

    <div class="ExternalClass3396D4DEFA43454397D4B1A9A4FFBF0A"><p>​Planning for your future? Trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up? Not sure how to advance in your current career? </p><p>If you answered yes to any of these questions, we have the information you need! Watch our Career Planning and Exploration webinar series to help you make your decisions!</p><p>Download the presentation PDFs below and watch the
    <a href="http&#58;//youtu.be/g33Fx8ofNk8?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm9A4ghLYvSjDA6iBkSboTF-" title="YouTube" target="_blank">videos</a>!</p><p>
    <strong>Understanding Labor Market Information (<a href="/News/Documents/LaborMarketInformationPPT_v4FINAL.pdf" target="_blank" title="Understanding Labor Market Information (PDF)">PDF</a>)</strong><br>We will discuss with Guest Speaker Norman Kelewitz how to use the wage and career trend information that you find on a variety of websites to help you make your career path decisions.</p><p>
    <strong>Learn more about Careers and Trends</strong><br>Find out characteristics that will make you a good fit in the following industries. Learn what the future career trends are in these industries and how you can stay up-to-date in your chosen career field.</p><ul><li>Manufacturing (<a href="/News/Documents/CareerTrendsManufacturing_PPT_FINAL%20(2)%2010%2007%2014.pdf" title="Manufacturing (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>) - Guest Speaker - Jim Nelson, Illinois Manufacturing Association </li><li>Information Technology (<a href="/News/Documents/CareerTrendsIT_PPT_FINAL%20100714.pdf" title="Information Technology (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>) - Guest Speaker - Paul Cameron, DriveStaff.com </li><li>Healthcare (<a href="/News/Documents/CareerTrendsHealthcare_Handout_FINAL%2010%2007%2014.pdf" title="Healthcare (PDF) " target="_blank">PDF</a>) - Guest Speaker - Michael O'Rourke, Presence Health</li></ul><p>
    <strong>Tools for Finding Careers That Match Your Skills and Interests (<a href="/News/Documents/ToolsToFindCareers_Handout_FINAL.pdf" title="Tools for Finding Careers That Match Your Skills and Interests (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</strong><br>We will discuss with Guest Speaker Jan Leahy tools you can use on-line to determine what career path is right for you based on your current skills and interests.<br><br></p><p></p>
    <iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/g33Fx8ofNk8?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm9A4ghLYvSjDA6iBkSboTF-"></iframe> &#160;