• 2019

    New LWIA Realignment Changes

    <div class="ExternalClassC31A38E38DE04A4EB376073CC3841122">
    <div class="ExternalClassB71F0B15A43D4CA3A323F25F6BB9D7DC"><p>If you use Illinois workNet tools and applications, you may notice some changes when it comes to LWIA searches and filters. The Illinois Local Workforce Area Realignment Project has approved changes to re-designate three counties in Illinois. Counties affected by this LWIA Realignment are&#58;</p><p>
    <em>Douglas County</em></strong>&#58; Moving from LWIA 23 to LWIA 17</p><p>
    <em>Calhoun County</em></strong>&#58; Moving from LWIA 21 to LWIA 22</p><p>
    <em>Jersey County</em></strong>&#58; Moving from LWIA 21 to LWIA 22<br></p><p>In conjunction with these changes, the Illinois workNet team has updated its services and tools to reflect the new LWIA designations. If you are an individual, business, or partner residing in one of the affected counties above, you may notice that your associated LWIA has changed. Tools and applications affected in this update include&#58;</p><ul><li>
    <a href="https&#58;//apps.illinoisworknet.com/Calendar/" target="_blank">Event Calendar</a></li><li>
    <a href="/Connect/Pages/LocationSearch.aspx">workNet Service Finder</a></li><li>
    <a href="/UpdatesHelp/Pages/SuccessStories.aspx">Success Stories</a></li><ul><li>
    <a href="/WIOA/success/Pages/View-Success-Stories.aspx">WIOA Success Stories</a></li></ul><li>
    <a href="/WIOA/TrainingPartners/Pages/WIOATrainingPrograms.aspx">WIOA Training Program Search</a></li><li>
    <a href="/Training/Pages/WIOATrainingProgramSearch.aspx">WIOA Approved Training Program Search</a></li><li>
    <a href="/Training/Pages/TrainingProgramSearch.aspx">Public &amp; Private Training Program Search</a></li><li>
    <a href="/WIOA/RegPlanning/Pages/Plans_MOUs_Dashboard.aspx">Regional/Local Plan &amp; MOU Approval Status Dashboard</a></li><li>
    <a href="/WIOA/RegPlanning/Pages/WIOAcontracts.aspx">Local Workforce Innovation Area Contracts</a></li><li>
    <a href="/WIOA/RegPlanning/Pages/WIOAbudgets.aspx">Local Workforce Innovation Area Budgets</a></li></ul><p>New downloadable versions of the LWIA map are also available on workNet. A version of the
    <a href="/DownloadPrint/LWIA%20Realignment%20Project%20Maps%20NEW.pdf">LWIA map</a> with Economic Development Regions is available on the
    <a href="/WIOA/RegPlanning/Pages/LWIA-Realignment.aspx">LWIA Realignment</a> page, and an updated
    <a href="/DownloadPrint/LWIA%20Map%20of%20Illinois%20workNet%20Centers%20and%20Affiliates.pdf">LWIA map</a> with WIOA Resources Center locations can be found on the
    <a href="/Connect/Pages/LocationSearch.aspx">workNet Service Finder</a> page.
    <br></p><p>You can visit the
    <a href="/WIOA/RegPlanning/Pages/LWIA-Realignment.aspx">LWIA Realignment</a> page on workNet for more information about the reason, process, and other resources for the realignment. If you have questions about how this realignment may affect you, please use our
    <a href="/Connect/Pages/LocationSearch.aspx">Service Finder</a> to find a workNet Center or Affiliates near you.</p><p>
    <img src="/News/PublishingImages/Lists/Posts/AllPosts/LWIA%20Realignment%20Map.png" class="img-responsive" alt="LWIA Realignment Map.png" style="margin&#58;5px;" />