• 2019

    Perkins V Listening & Feedback Sessions

    <div class="ExternalClass462214EF5BB141C2B5BF03BE9DDFEAD9"><p style="text-align&#58;left;">
    <img src="/News/PublishingImages/Lists/Posts/AllPosts/CTE.jpg" alt="CTE.jpg" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;248px;height&#58;124px;" />​<br></p><p>The Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) will be holding regional events to share the state's draft Perkins V Plan (Career and Technical Education).&#160;Time will be allotted for feedback and discussion.<br></p><p>Please consider participating in one of the five&#160;listening sessions as the State explores and explains the draft Perkins V Plan. </p><p>
    <a href="https&#58;//icsps.illinoisstate.edu/machform/view.php?id=114557" title="Registation Link" target="_blank">Register today to attend!</a></strong></p><p>
    <b>Sessions&#58;</b><br></p><ul><li>October 7, 2019&#58; Pre-Tour - 4&#58;00pm - 4&#58;45pm; Listening Session - 5&#58;00pm - 7&#58;00pm Buffalo Grove High School, Buffalo Grove, IL </li><li>October 10, 2019&#58; 4&#58;00pm - 6&#58;00pm Wilco Area Career Center, Romeoville, IL</li><li>October 23, 2019&#58; 4&#58;00pm - 6&#58;00pm Richland Community College, Decatur, IL</li><li>October 24, 2019&#58; 4&#58;00pm - 6&#58;00pm Kaskaskia College, Centralia, IL</li><li>October 25, 2019&#58; 4&#58;00pm - 6&#58;00pm Chicago Public Schools District Office, Chicago, IL </li></ul><p>
    <strong>This event is for any interested member of the public, including but not limited to&#58;</strong></p><ul style="list-style-type&#58;disc;"><li>students and parents</li><li>career and technical education practitioners</li><li>high school and community college administrators, teachers and faculty</li><li>business and industry (including labor organizations)</li><li>members of special populations including&#58;</li><li>individuals with disabilities </li><ul style="list-style-type&#58;circle;"><li>individuals from economically disadvantaged families (including low-income youth and adults)</li><li>individuals preparing for non-traditional fields</li><li>single parents, including single pregnant women </li><li>out-of-workforce individuals </li><li>English learners </li><li>homeless individuals</li><li>youth who are in, or have aged out of, the foster care system</li><li>youth with a parent who is a member of the armed forces and is on active duty. </li></ul><li>local workforce board staff<br></li><li>community-based organizations</li><li>Adult Education administrators<br></li><li>community members.<br></li></ul><div>
    </div><div>For more information <a href="/DownloadPrint/CTERoadShow_Fall2019.pdf">view the Perkins V State Plan Listening and Feedback Session Flyer</a><br></div></div>