• 2014

    WIOA Works for Illinois!

    <div class="ExternalClassF5CC3B505E8C412EACBFAB7C96CC489E"><p>​<img src="/WIOA/PublishingImages/WIOAWorks_200.png" alt="WIOA Works" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;150px;height&#58;92px;" />
    <img src="/WIOA/PublishingImages/DCEO%20logo_300.jpg" alt="DCEO Logo" class="img-responsive" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></p><p>The new Workforce Innovation &amp; Opportunity Act (WIOA) is already making a positive impact on Illinois.&#160;The WIOA Works website is your source to stay current on the workforce system innovations in Illinois and to learn about WIOA impact on our state.
    <br></p><p>Our state’s workforce system has always provided innovative solutions to engage employers, grow the skills needed for our workforce, and keep our youth connected to education and career opportunities. The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is taking further steps to align programs to WIOA that further promote economic growth for our state.&#160;You can learn more about the positive impact that is already happening in Illinois through our success stories.&#160;</p><p>To begin the transformation process to WIOA, DCEO has organized WIOA Implementation working groups composed of business and industry, workforce system partners, and community members.&#160;These working groups will focus on WIOA&#58; Operations, Planning, Policy, Performance, Governance, Technology/workNet, and Youth.&#160;</p><p>
    <img src="/WIOA/PublishingImages/SuccessStories_200.png" alt="Success Stories Icon" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;100px;height&#58;100px;" />
    <a href="/WIOA/success/Pages/View-Success-Stories.aspx" title="Success Stories">View Success Stories</a> </p><p>
    <img src="/WIOA/PublishingImages/JobPrep_bookmarks_200.png" alt="Bookmark Icon" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;100px;height&#58;100px;" />Bookmark the WIOA Works site&#58;
    <a href="/WIOA/Pages/default.aspx" title="WIOA Works Website">http&#58;//www.​illinoisworknet​.com/​wioaworks</a><br></p></div>