• 2014

    How Can You Use Social Media to Find Your Next Job or Employee?

    <div class="ExternalClass5A029BC77AFF4882B5AE3E0F852DA2D1"><p>​People thought it was a fad, but social media is here to stay! Social media is being used more and more as a main component of many marketing campaigns. How can you make the best use of social media to enhance your job search or recruiting efforts?</p><p>Illinois workNet held two webinars that focused on social media hosted by our very own social media strategist Dee Reinhardt.
    <br></p><p>One was geared to
    <strong>job seekers </strong>and covered all of the major social platforms. While you are in job search mode, you are branding yourself as a product to market to a company. Because social media is ever evolving, we discussed tips and tricks that address strategy while using the platforms more than actual how-to's.
    <br></p><p>The other webinar was geared toward
    <strong>recruiting </strong>through social media. The guest speaker on this HR focused webinar was Chris Larson of the Barton Professional Group, a recruiting company in the Chicago suburbs. Dee and Chris discussed tactics businesses could use on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, LinkedIn groups, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube.
    <br></p><p>Find both of these recordings and our other social media mini-recordings by visiting our
    <a title="Social Media Guide" href="/Connect/Pages/SocialMediaGuide.aspx" target="_blank">social media guide</a> or our YouTube playlists -
    <a title="Job Search and Social Media" href="http&#58;//youtu.be/73TMDF5wypI?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm_gGyPnugEQcoMRJZ8HXUjz" target="_blank">Job Search and Social Media</a> or
    <a title="Recruiting and Social Media" href="http&#58;//youtu.be/lhQX2Vn7pK8?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm-GKalPtniJWwYLxyCIsXmd" target="_blank">Recruiting and Social Media</a>.</p><p>Download the Presentations to have all the information in front of you while you watch the videos.</p><ul><li>Job Search and Social Media (<a title="Job Search and Social Media (PDF)" href="/News/Documents/Why+social+media-JobSeeker_FINAL.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</li><li>Recruiting and Social Media (<a title="Recruiting and Social Media (PDF)" href="/News/Documents/Why+social+media-Business_FINAL.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</li></ul><p>
    <br> &#160;</p><p></p>
    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/73TMDF5wypI" frameborder="0"></iframe>&#160;
    </p><iframe width="420" height="315" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/lhQX2Vn7pK8" frameborder="0"></iframe>